Monday, March 26, 2012

Week 3 and where are you all?

Well it is week 3. We have been having lots of wind, rain, snow etc. So I did not get to walk on Saturday and walked in rain on Sunday. And in the wind today. Figured it might be good practice. I still have not gone more than 10 miles in one walk. And that seems so LONG when you are walking alone. I think I have to stop going up the hills because you use a whole lot of energy and yet the miles seem like they take FOREVER to calculate!!! Got a pedometer!! Don't know how to use it except that one day I went 15,000 steps and another day 10,000 steps. How do you convert the steps into miles??

I miss you all, my partners. Where are you? I have not seen a blog entry since last week. How is everything going? I am still sad about Kathy's passing, but know at least she is at peace. This disease causes so much suffering!!

Well today I am going to send out a reminder fund raising letter. I saw a couple of people that said they "just forgot", so hopefully a reminder will help them along. I really want to have all my money raised by my birthday, April 15!! But not sure this will happen, but that is my goal. Then I can just focus on training and not the fundraising goal. No matter how much I try to not worry about it, I still find myself being concerned. What if I don't make it? What if I offended someone? What are people thinking? How is everyone else doing? Anyway I will send out the letter and see how it goes.

OK gotta go start cooking.

Love you all,

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