Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Day 2 of Training-And an experience of connection!!

Just finished my training. Was to have been 3 mile walk, but I decided to run 3 miles and walk 1. Why? I have no idea. I think I am just excited and trying to incorporate my typical exercise routine and the Avon Walk Training program into a schedule that works for me. So since I run a couple to a few times a week, I decided to do a bit of both. I know in time it will all sort out and I will be in a groove and pace myself. I am sure this will especially happen when I have to put in 18-20 mile walks for training. We shall see!!

But the coolest thing happened when I was running today. Once again on the treadmill instead of outside because it is "snowing" here. Yep! No spring has sprung for us!! I knew that something was up yesterday when the cows were lying down! Someone told me that cows lay down when it is going to rain? I don't know if they were pulling my leg, but I must report that on my way home from the Y yesterday after doing my training walk, the cows were indeed lying down. :)) So here we are today..with snow! I guess the cows don't know the difference between rain and snow...only that maybe they know there is moisture in the air! So that is my theory that the cows feel the moisture regardless of whether it is liquid or solid form!! Soooooo I could not run/walk outside, so I went to the Y. We have a great YMCA here!

So back to the coolest thing that happened to me today. I got to the Y, chose a tread mill that I don't usually get on because my usual treadmill was occupied because many other people were inside exercising because of the weather. This one had a TV Screen on the tread mill itself and I plugged in my I-pod to listen to music. But decided that I could watch a show right there on the tread mill with my ear phones and forgo the music today. I usually always listen to music, but today I decided to try something different. I am not a big TV person. But here I was watching some show about the Old Christine and right there on the screen of my tread mill during the commercial break it happened!! What flashed on the screen was an advertisement for the Avon Breast Cancer Walk!!! Yep. I could not believe it, but then really I can. I love when stuff like this happens! Here I am training for the Avon Breast Cancer Walk walking on a random treadmill watching a show I never saw before on a TV screen on my treadmill at the YMCA because it was snowing in March in Ashland, OR and what am I seeing...an advertisement and an invitation to WALK in the AVON BREAST CANCER WALK!!! We are ALL SO CONNECTED!! This was a moment of Grace for me, a moment when Love was showing me once again that we are all CONNECTED and that our guides, angels, Love, God, whoever you want to name this amazing presence in our lives wants us to know this beyond a doubt!! I believe we are operating as one heart and everything we do affects each of us and if we pay attention we can and do make a difference in our world!! Cool! 9 cities, thousands of people training today on this training schedule to walk 39.3 miles, thousands of donors giving financial support because we made this commitment and ALL sharing one mission: To prevent and support those with Breast Cancer and TO END Breast Cancer!! Wow..I just had to smile when I saw this commerical as I ran/walked this morning. I get it!! I REALLY do!! Gratitude, gratitude, and more gratitude!!

It is a good day! It is a very good day!!

In Peace,

1 comment:

  1. Ju, I love this! I love how you always find the connection. I'm so happy we are walking together.
